
TEDx Talk - Understanding Different Perspectives to Find Common Ground

Understand Perception to Overcome Differences – a Tedx Talk Canceled

. This is a talk about understanding perception. But it got canceled from TEDxRaleigh. The talk illustrates what causes implicit bias and prejudice, and how we can better connect through diversity. It was initially selected, but the talk was pulled abruptly from the regional TED event in Raleigh, North Carolina, by a committee noticeably divided on the matter.

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Blazing Movement of Understanding

Blazing Movement of Understanding

The news shows us so many terrible things happening in our world. There is enormous confusion, war, terrorism and endless division caused by nations and organized religions driven by their own agendas. There are divisions within nations due to power struggles between political parties. There are divisions within the same religious groups due to differences in beliefs, ideas, and

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Natural Existence

Man vs. Lizard

A Lizard ran out on a rock and looked up, listening no doubt, to the sounding of spheres. And what a dandy fellow! The right toss of chin for you and swirl of a tail. If men were as much men as lizards are lizards They’d be worth looking at. ~ D.H. Lawrence Men can imagine

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Worlds Colliding - Understanding The Human Condition of Differences

Worlds Colliding

. Watching the political discourses within our nation and between nations of the world, there’s no doubt that our world is locked in a state of global dysfunction. If we are to have any radical change in our world and personal relations, perhaps we should see with a clear and open mind what is going

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Rebellion !

I remember in High School how the bell would ring between classes and the halls would fill with literally thousands of students. The air flooded with noise of incessant chatter. We had exactly seven minutes to walk through the corridors crammed beside each other, herded through gates and stairs to our destination. When the next

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What is Love?

‘What is Love!? …Baby don’t hurt me… no more!’ as the pop dance song by Haddaway goes. Haha, if you know the song, you’re probably hearing it in your head right now. If you don’t know, then look it up child! Haha. Actually love never hurts, but it is our ideas about love which hurt

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