Authors Authors - Jeff u0026amp; Sardar SinghSardar Singh

Sardar Singh has been interested in spiritual matters since childhood.  For Mr. Singh the quality of life is determined not by words and ideas, but by the quality of our relationship with each other.

Mr. Singh learnt a great deal from his father who was free from the bondage of all religious authority because of his profound understanding of the fact that people were deluding themselves by believing in thought created concepts about God and blindly following some authority or another in lieu of their own understanding. When he was quite young Sardar Singh was quite inquisitive and inquiring into the nature of things with an open and objective mind.

It was just by chance he came across the book “First and the Last Freedom” written by J.Krishnamurti.  He attended many talks given by the author and also met him to discuss – is it possible for man to be free from self-centered approach to life?

In India Mr. Singh worked for the Parliament House Secretariat for 25 years. He moved to USA in 1981. He worked for the State Government for ten years. He continued to pursue his interest in the teachings of J. Krishnamurti as well as other philosophers and poets.  He hosted people at his house for dialogues on various issues concerning life and relationships. He has written articles for various magazines and newspapers speaking directly about the root psychological cause of current issues.

Mr. Singh very much likes to have conversations and open, objective dialogues with people who are passionately concerned about the existing human situation, who want to explore if there is a different way of living.


Jeff Singh

Jeff Singh, Sardar Singh’s son, is a writer, speaker, and creative explorer who faces a health challenge which honed his interest in what it means to live free and unburdened, to make the most of life in the moment.

Growing up with his father, encouraged him not to follow anything or anyone blindly, but to examine life, the mind, and the subtleties of social conditioning.

Often an outsider, he is keenly interested in what makes people think and act the way they do, and how we can live and act from insight amidst the current social forays.

Jeff continued his studies with mentors in A Course in Miracles, Landmark Education, among others which brought him back into more intense inquiries and dialogues with his dad.

Through a mentorship, he studied the nature of perception – how the brain and mind works to understand the way we learn and see the world.

He is interested in exploring and bringing these insights down to earth in palpable, recognizable forms to engage others in discovery.


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At this time I’m collecting my dad’s work, poetry, and insights learned from him through articles, media, and books in progress.

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