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Love Yourself & Your Unique Life Experience!




Love yourself unconditionally for your unique life experience. Check out more in the video and share this to inspire others.

It’s true what they say, ‘love is not found outside, but from within.’

Question is why do keep searching for it outside? And how can we get back to an authentic love that frees us from searching?

Authentic love begins when you value the completely unique experience of life you are having and accept what you are, exactly as you are right now. Because it really is a glorious thing, this life you have.

From that point of acceptance and love, the things you do and the way you interact with the world is radically different.

You’re no longer needing love, acceptance, or approval for who you are and what you do.

From this solid ground of love, you’re no longer trying to improve for the sake of fitting in, being successful, or acceptance.

With love already found within, you naturally improve by focusing on things you want to do, what you’re called to do, what you would love to explore, or create!

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Waiting for that special someone to call? Hoping for those social likes to go up? Wishing your friends and family would understand you?

Here’s a well known secret… None of that is going to make you happy.

No matter how well you fit in or not. There will always be those days of waiting. There will always be moments of misunderstanding.

Trust me, I’m a Lil colored dude in the south… I never quite fit in.

But here’s the bigger secret… none of that matters… What matters most is how you feel about yourself.

I know it’s been said many times, but really, truly… love is not to be searched outside… it begins within you.

But there’s more to this that is not talked about enough… And I want you guys to really understand authentic love.

I just met Don Miguel Ruiz Jr who wrote the book Five Levels of Attachment. His father wrote the best selling book The Four Agreements. Ruiz Jr. reminded me of things my dad’s been saying all my life.

See, you are having a unique experience of life. No one else in the world is having the experience of life that you are having right now. No one else has the background of learning that you have. No one else can fully understand the experience you are having. And ha, it’s not required that they do. Why would you even expect that?

Likewise it’s not required that you fully understand any one else’s experience. Just know that everyone here is having their own experience of life and they’re free to do so – just as you are.

Problem is, we’re aways trying to fit in… Heck we want friends right? But in order to make friends and fit in we start conforming to whatever we assume is normal or required of us. And we want to get along with our family so we conform to what they want us to be like.

While we’re trying to fit in, we start comparing ourselves with those around us and of course with rockstars and celebrities. Copying what we assume is required to be cool or to be successful.

You know… I should have cool clothes, I should talk cool, I should do cool things, If only I had a better body size…Well if I work hard enough and I’m successful… than… people may love me.

That right there my friends is how we start judging ourselves, trying to live up to some standard, and not loving ourselves as we are.

Not even loving ourselves, we’re out there begging for others to love us, and we’ll do anything to get that acceptance.

But we’re looking for love in all the wrong places.

And we lose the value of our own uniqueness.

See, Authentic love begins when you value the completely unique experience of life you are having and accept what you are, exactly as you are right now. Because it really is a glorious thing, this life you have.

From that point of acceptance and love for yourself, the things you do and the way you interact with the world is radically different.

You’re no longer needing love, acceptance, approval or validation for who you are and what you do.

From this point, it really doesn’t matter what people think… See, their experience of you is really more about them, than you… it’s based on whatever assumptions they’re making. And guess what, they’re free to experience or say whatever they want.

The important thing is, how other people think or how they behave doesn’t affect how you feel about yourself. And you’re not conforming based on their approval or disapproval.

The only thing that matters is that you accept and love yourself and you stay grounded in that.

When you love yourself, you’re free… and can accept people exactly as they are without needing to conform or control them into how you want them to be.

And if their experience doesn’t resonate with you, have enough value and acceptance of yourself to communicate clearly or move on to more important things that you do love.

From this solid ground of love, you’re no longer trying to improve for the sake of fitting in, being successful, or some kind of acceptance.

Now life improvement takes on an entirely new feel. Now you’re extending love through the things you want to do.

This extension happens through the things you want to focus on, the things you want to explore and create!

There’s so much more to say, but hey, if you like the video, save it to watch again later whenever you need a reminder about loving yourself.

Finally, I’ll leave you with this… this guy with a rubber chicken may be on to something…

Love yourself, accept yourself… it starts with you!

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This video is based on an interview with Don Miguel Ruiz Jr., author of “The Five Levels of Attachment” which reminded me of what my dad has been telling me all my life. Videos of the interview with Ruiz Jr. are coming up soon.

Meanwhile, check out these articles on love, gratitude, and inspired change…

What is Love?

Gratitude – A Key to Happiness

Change Through Inspired Action


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