
TEDx Talk - Understanding Different Perspectives to Find Common Ground

Understand Perception to Overcome Differences – a Tedx Talk Canceled

. This is a talk about understanding perception. But it got canceled from TEDxRaleigh. The talk illustrates what causes implicit bias and prejudice, and how we can better connect through diversity. It was initially selected, but the talk was pulled abruptly from the regional TED event in Raleigh, North Carolina, by a committee noticeably divided on the matter. […]

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What Color is This Dress

The Dress Explained

It was the dress meme that broke the internet and shook our assumptions of “what is even real anymore!?” What’s most interesting is what this mystery reveals about the nature of our perceptions and subjective reality. The dress debate started with a Tumblr post of a two-toned dress with the caption: “Guys please help me, is this dress white and gold,

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