Dale Purvis

TEDx Talk - Understanding Different Perspectives to Find Common Ground

Understand Perception to Overcome Differences – a Tedx Talk Canceled

. This is a talk about understanding perception. But it got canceled from TEDxRaleigh. The talk illustrates what causes implicit bias and prejudice, and how we can better connect through diversity. It was initially selected, but the talk was pulled abruptly from the regional TED event in Raleigh, North Carolina, by a committee noticeably divided on the matter. […]

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What is Real? Optical Illusions & Virtual Reality – Meta VR – Michael Abrash

. ‘Mind Blown’ was the consensus coming from Facebook’s 2015 F8 Conference. Michael Abrash, chief scientist from virtual reality company Oculus Rift takes the audience through the rabbit hole, quoting Morpheus from The Matrix films. Optical Illusions from the video are included in the article to reveal that our experience of reality is quite virtual already.  What is

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