
What is Real? Optical Illusions & Virtual Reality – Meta VR – Michael Abrash

. ‘Mind Blown’ was the consensus coming from Facebook’s 2015 F8 Conference. Michael Abrash, chief scientist from virtual reality company Oculus Rift takes the audience through the rabbit hole, quoting Morpheus from The Matrix films. Optical Illusions from the video are included in the article to reveal that our experience of reality is quite virtual already.  What is

What is Real? Optical Illusions & Virtual Reality – Meta VR – Michael Abrash Read More »

What is Love?

‘What is Love!? …Baby don’t hurt me… no more!’ as the pop dance song by Haddaway goes. Haha, if you know the song, you’re probably hearing it in your head right now. If you don’t know, then look it up child! Haha. Actually love never hurts, but it is our ideas about love which hurt

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