Find Your Purpose!



How do we find our authentic radical purpose?

Well, first let’s examine our notions of purpose, the impulse for success, or why we feel we need to be radical.

There is a certain way we grew up, how we were raised by family and society. In this system, we compare and contrast, trying to figure out what our family and society wants us to be, how we would fit in, how we would succeed.

Then perhaps inside, there is what we feel we should be, what we ought to be, how we ought to be treated.

From all this, we formulate what we should do, what we should be, and strive desperately to live up to our imagination.

I Am Great!There is a persistence from society that only the great are rewarded. So we strive one day to be great. We always feel like we could be so much more, and do so much more. Reading countless self-help, productivity, and manifestation books encouraging us, ‘we can be anything we want to be. Visualize what you want out of life, visualize what you want to be. Work like crazy to live the dream.’

Perhaps if we are successful, have money, or fame, or some kind of power, or do something great, perhaps then, our family, friends, and society may finally love us. After all, that’s what we’re really striving for.

Through all this striving, there remains a consistent feeling, that we are not fulfilled.

With this, we feel we need to do something radically different, or be something radically different. So we seek fulfillment through new careers, new friends, new styles, customs, and rituals, or even new religions.

We are constantly searching for some answers, some assurance, some ‘place where we belong.’

This comfort zone is our security, our beliefs, a safe reality, where we can feel confident.

But this is still not feeling alive in the moment.

Now, think of the people we consider radical…

Were Buddha, Jesus, Joan of Ark, Gandhi, Martin Luther King or any of these guys sitting around thinking what they could do to be great? Were they seeking approval from family or society? Were they satiated by some career or religion? Were they comfortable? Did everything go smoothly?

– No. They simply saw that life did not match what they knew to be true. They saw a need, what needed to be done. Their clarity of seeing, required them to be radical, their clarity of seeing required of them, radical action.

Our PurposeThat authentic action, that purpose, which leads to true fulfillment, well, that has nothing to do with who we think we are, what we should be, or what we want out of life. It has everything to do with what the world needs from us.

Authentic radical action, requires first, true humility.

How about instead of trying to be radical, trying to be something great…

How about instead of seeking answers, or your place in life…

How about we come into our present life.

– Look, listen… what does my world need of me?

There are no small miracles, just as well, there is no small purpose.

In fact sometimes it’s the simplest actions, fully being with loved ones, communicating with friends, or collaborating with like minds, that create the greatest ripples we may not even be aware of.

We may just need to step out of the way, get out of striving, get out of our heads, for our true purpose and life to shine.

Listen for that radical impulse.

That’s where the magic and miraculous is born.

– Jeff Singh –


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