Break Free from The Conditioned Mind



The human mind has immense power. We should not shy away from our capabilities – to create massive buildings, detailed mathematics, languages, systems, and civilizations, to explore uncharted regions. Yet many attest that we only use a tiny percentage of the mind’s capabilities, much of it’s power masked under the sub-conscious. Still, our power is there (used everyday) to create wittingly or unwittingly, to evolve or devolve, for control, or in freedom.

Protecting IdentitySomehow, this immense power got wound up in protecting (at all cost) an identity, a concept, an illusion. Our identity being an inherited thought, that ‘I am something’ …’I am this… which is different from that, from you, the rest of the world, and even God.’

Protecting this concept of separateness is the root of madness and neurotic actions on personal levels as well as a global level. The power is the same, whether it is you and I, protecting an image of ourselves from critique, or multiplied to hundreds of thousands, protecting a religious or national identity from all that is different. Our leaders are people with identities to protect, just like you and I.

Conditioned to believe ‘I am this, or I am that,’ we act and react automatically, in a slumber, unaware of why we do what we do.

Now here is a subtle but important point which we can explore more later. Even if one is on a path to freedom, trying to break away from an inherited religion, nation, or ideology, the mind which seeks security by having to know, ‘What am I?’, quickly adopts new concepts, new styles, new ideologies. Free from one set of conditioning, it quickly formulates a new condition. But no matter the style, ideology, or concepts – a condition, is still a condition, a different ideology still endorses a difference, and therefore still limits the mind which could do so much more in freedom.

Before we get into all that, here is Sardar Singh speaking about the fundamental root of our conditioned identity…

Join us on this journey to break free from social conditioning to live more authentically…

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